... ago and was told the woman who would train me would ring during the week - but she didn't.. and i think i get paid next week.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, this is super kawaii : i'm going on bsalperton park/b on friday - sunday hehe. ...
b.../b [1783-1871] Gloucestershire Record Office: Russell Family Journals [1802-1842] Gloucestershire Record Office: bSalperton/b Manor [1552 - 1811] Gloucestershire Record Office: bSalperton Park/b Estate [1945] Gloucestershire Record Office: Samuel Davis b....../b Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office: Miscellaneous genealogical papers [18th-20th Centuries] Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office: Miscellaneous papers relating to the Lord family and the Shakespeare bHotel/b , b.../b
Park robi ogromne wrażenie, szczególnie ciągle przepływające mgły i ogromna ilość roślin w barwach soczystej zieleni. Niesamowite wrażenie robią zwisające z gałęzi bladozielone mchy tworzące długie brody. ...